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Nude video leaks: The thin threads that hold Uganda

When I was younger, I thought the world worked in complicated ways. That the adults knew so much, and it took much intelligence to hold their worlds together. Thus, mother and father were nothing but super parents. There is nothing, really nothing I thought they could not solve.

You annoy me? Mother will sort you. Running broke? Father will sort that. And they did a good job hiding and masking all signs that things were not holding. The adults in my life feared to show any weaknesses. If you asked for a bicycle, they just had to challenge you with something harder. If you become number one in your class, you get the bicycle.

Now that I am out of the 20s, and a bit wiser (or less stupid), I understand James Baldwin, who said this our world was held together, really held together, by the love and passion of very few people. I will argue, that this country, this Uganda, is held together by thin threads.

That law firm is held together by the sweat, tears and dreams of that clerk, that legal assistant. That relationship, is really held together, kept intact by the promise of its sombre sex. Boring as it may, it is the thin thread that makes couples see the next day.

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