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Weasels’ Mother embarrassed

At every concert we have attended, parents of the main acts are always given priority over anyone else. They are availed with the best treatment. They receive VIP tables, drinks and eats but last weekend, Prossy Mayanja, mother to Chameleone, Pallaso and Weasel got the mistreatment of her life when she failed to get where to sit during her son’s concert at Africana.

Prossy Mayanja who was in the company of eight other people got stuck when their reserved table was occupied by people she did not know. Ushers were seen trying to find her an alternative but there seemed none because the VIP area was sold out already. It wasn’t until some good Samaritans gave up their seats that she finally got where to enjoy the show from. The same also happened to Godfrey Kirumira’s son Gideon Kirumira.

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