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Celebrity style: Iren Nyachwo – Fashion Model

Iren Nyachwo – Fashion Model

When choosing what to wear in the morning…

take into consideration… Comfort. I love prioritizing physical and emotional comfort while still expressing my individuality and also depending on my mood which determines the colour palettes I choose to wear.

The item of clothing I’m wearing often is…

Black plain body socks. They are so comfortable and I can style them differently with mini-skirts, leather skirts, rompers, or dresses and pair them up with sharpshooter heels or boots.

The most treasured item in my closet is…

My thigh-high boots from New York, I love them so much coz they were a gift from Mr. Joram Muzira Job, my mentor.

I would never be caught dead wearing…

Brightly coloured denim jeans. I am not a fan of them, they are so outstanding and I don’t want to attract attention coz my height does so already.

The priciest fashion accessory that I own is…

My thigh-high boots. They cost a fortune.

The most popular designer brands in my wardrobe are…

That’s definitely Pretty Little Things. I love keeping simple but stylish so with pretty little things I have lots of body-hugging dresses, maxi dresses and little black dresses.

The one person whose wardrobe I would raid is… 

American actress, Zendaya. She is the one person whose wardrobe I look forward to raiding because she slays every piece of clothing she wears and also love to meet her in person.

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