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Enrich society with culture- learners plead

Mrs. Maureen Mutoni addresses Debaters from St Joseph Nabingo girls primary and Grace Primary Mengo. Photo/Bayan Nalubwama

As cultural ignorance and immorality increasingly threaten societal values, learners from St Joseph Nabingo Girls Primary, Grace Primary Mengo, Mamtaz Secondary School, and Central College Kawala  are urging the government and cultural leaders to prioritize the promotion of cultural practices.

This call to action comes during a series of debate sessions organized by the Uganda National Cultural Centre’s (UNCC) heritage department.

The motion under discussion posits that “Ignoring our cultural practices is the main cause of moral decadence in our society today.”

Participants from the schools’ heritage clubs emphasized the need for cultural education from the grassroots level. Hannington Mugabe, chairperson of Mamtaz Secondary School’s Heritage Club, suggested that cultural teachings should start from nursery school and be integrated into all school curricula.

Mrs Maureen Mutoni Kiyaga, Heritage Officer at UNCC, explained that the organization aims to promote and preserve culture through school and community activities.

These initiatives include debates, cooking activities, and inter-school competitions that showcase the uniqueness of Ugandan cultures. The UNCC also empowers young people to practice cultural skills and earn a living from them.

In addition to ignoring cultural practices, learners identified corruption, violence, and neglecting religious teachings as contributing factors to moral decadence. The debate, which began on July 12, will conclude next week with students from Church of God Secondary School and Kawaala High School sharing their perspectives.

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