After Swangz Avenue artist Azawi called on fellow musicians to condemn corruption during a recent Twitter Space, Eddy Kenzo has responded, suggesting she lacks experience in certain matters.
In an interview, the “Sitya Loss” hitmaker remarked that Azawi’s level of experience is still low compared to his own. “When someone grows, their words also reduce because they have enough experience. The beauty of this is that she is heading to where we are now. We know a lot that she hasn’t seen because we have been here long enough. I also hate corruption but I cannot incite violence. With the Uganda I know and what I have seen, I cannot support someone to riot,” Kenzo said.
He added that he doesn’t need reminders to oppose corruption, and those who want action should take it upon themselves.
Kenzo also suggested that Azawi might have a larger agenda behind her anti-corruption campaign.
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