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The Ugandan Zeitgeist: Ogon, a cartoonist with rizz

In the Ogon bible are the potholes, the parliament…name it.

DRAWING ATTENTION: When our bu-kids ask what we did in our times, I will pull out this book.. see me I had even forgotten about the Togikwatako battle, but everything, the story of our times is locked in that ka-book. Mbu it does not matter where you start off with it, every page gets you to time-travel. Then suddenly you see the patterns, you see the constants, and you see the variables.

See, the last time Ogon released that Hozambe cartoon, it was a mic-drop. I immediately packed my bags, all my books and went to the temple of this cartoonist. Hail Big Head, you are who you think you are. I even borrowed Einstein’s words to Charlie Chaplin; ‘you do not say a word, yet the world understands you.’ The cartoonist brushed it off mbu ‘kugezako.’ Mbu he is just trying. I see a risk. Because if the chap says he is just trying, what happens when he does more.

As I was dealing with those tremors, the chap landed with the compilation. At that moment I knew this guy; ‘alalusiiza ebeeyi.’ See, the writer has to go sketching thousands of words, words upon words, lies upon lies, and then lands his point. That cartoonist, just that totem symbol of Mzee’s clan. No no, it is not the cow horn, it is the ka-AK47. And then the signature legs. Eiish the ones of, her, the one and only, Mama omu bwati. Okay, you see I have to go round around those things. That is the power of the cartoonist, he hits you and you still laugh as he hits you.

In the background, the cartoonist and his crew were compiling something major, a major announcement of our times. The ‘86 generation is coming alive, it is writing its story. When our bu-kids and grand-kids ask what we did in our times, I am going to be pulling out that Ogon Drawing Attention, get my rounded-eyeglasses on, then cough, a phew, show them the moment of our times. But will those bu-grand-kids even have time for us. Will they even be human? We could be the last humans.

To help our memory, see me I had even forgotten about the Togikwatako battle, but everything, the story of our times is locked in that ka-book. Mbu it does not matter where you start off with it, every page gets you to time-travel.


Twitter: ortegatalks

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