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When Canary was all over wife, Sasha

Canary Mugume and Wife Sasha at the Blu*3 concert

The past couple of weeks, NBS news anchor Canary Mugume dominated the news after it was rumoured that he had split with his wife Sasha Ferguson Mugume just a year into their marriage.

However, last Saturday evening during the Blu*3 reunion concert at Sheraton Hotel gardens, the couple were seen in the VIP section in a lovey-dovey mood but Canary was a bit too touchy.

Canary, who looked like he had had a little more than enough to drink by the time Sasha came to the event, was all over her; hugging, pecking and holding her waist, making her visibly uncomfortable. Perhaps it was his way of showing whoever was interested that the break-up rumours were indeed just rumours.

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