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Cindy discredits rumors of half-naked performance for Kabaka

Cindy Sanyu

Cindy Sanyu has taken to Facebook to express her outrage over a rumor circulating in an old newspaper article. The article falsely claimed that Charles Peter Mayiga, the Katikkiro of Buganda, paid her to perform for Kabaka while half-naked.

Cindy is seeking help from her followers to identify the writer of the article, which she calls “baseless nonsense.” Her followers have rallied to support her, expressing frustration with the misleading headline and offering to help her locate both the writer and editor responsible.

Although some followers noted that the article appears to be old and the publication is no longer in operation, Cindy remains determined to uncover the identities of those behind the false claims. She clarified in a reply that she has never met or spoken to either the Katikkiro or the Kabaka.

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