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Neon Rave deejays lite up Jinja edition

Revellers, who had enjoyed the FA Cup finals were even more revved up to party. Photos/Isaac Ssejjombwe

With a line up of DJs; Adamnski, Miles, Emmanice, Armon and Roja, locals and party enthusiasts from far and wide accessed the venue in multitudes, ready to let loose and dance the night away.



Jinja was a neon glow on Saturday as the town got an experience of the Neon Rave series that debuted at the Galaxy Auto Spa. True to its promise, the third edition of the sensational rave series delivered an unforgettable night of music, dance, and immersive experiences that left party-goers raving for more.

Locals along with party enthusiasts from far and wide, accessed the venue in multitudes, ready to let loose and dance the night away. But before all this, the FA Cup finals also played a big role in the success of the night as football enthusiasts were already at the venue by 5pm watching Manchester United taking on Manchester City in the final.

With Manchester United winning the game that evening, it meant partying until morning, and who better to create the mood than a line of deejays, including DJs; Adamnski, Miles, Emmanice, Armon and Roja.

It was, however, DJ Armon who seemed to have done his homework from the get-go as he became the crowd’s favourite. His session started a little earlier than the rest and that gave him the opportunity to play most of the crowd’s favourite songs. He carefully selected the songs as the crowd responded with cheers and several dance strokes. His main focus was Afrobeat, local and dancehall jams.

DJ Roja, being an ardent Manchester United fan, captivated the audience by first mixing the Manchester United Glory song, which sent the crowd into wild cheers before he took them on a journey of a mixture of genres until the wee hours of the morning.

As the night unfolded, it was clear that the Tusker Lite Neon Rave had captured the very essence of what a rave is all about – losing yourself in the music, dancing without a care in the world, and connecting with others who share the same appetite for living life boundlessly.

But, what truly set this rave apart was the spirit of the revellers. The people of Jinja showed up in big numbers, embracing the opportunity to be part of something massive.

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