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Celebrity style: Usama Mukwaya, Film producer

Usama Mukwaya, Film producer

When choosing what to wear in the morning, I put into consideration…

The occasion, my style, and comfort. As an aesthetic, I appreciate clean lines, minimalism and a cohesive look that exudes a sense of ageless sophistication.

The item of clothing I wear often is…

Shorts and T-shirts, as they are comfortable and easy to move around in. I like to balance them with a stylish sweater to add a touch of refinement.

The most treasured item in my closet is…

A leather-strapped digital watch I bought on my first trip outside Uganda. It reminds me of the incredible experiences I had.

I would never be caught dead wearing…

Anything too baggy or oversized – I prefer clothes that fit well and are not too flashy.

The priciest fashion accessory that I own is…

My Ray Ban glasses, which add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. I love wearing them for a stylish and effortless look.

The most popular designer brands in my wardrobe are…

Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Hugo Boss.

The one person whose wardrobe I would raid is…

British Football legend David Beckham. He always looks put-together without trying too hard.

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