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THE VIDEO: Tegutta – Iryn Namubiru

Iryn Namubiru

Watch not this video ye who have not known love. Watch not this video ye who are skeptics of love. Woe unto ye who risk their eyes on this video. For ye shall never be the same. Ye shall feed from the rivers of the Siren. Ye shall feed from the jars of Namubiru’s love potion, and its shinning glamour.

For in this video, she picks the best and outshines him. She picks Valentino and his crew and goes on to create her palace with them. She occupies her position as some goddess, clad in all luxury, pinpointing everyone with her eyes, and shutting down the house of doubters.

Is there a flaw in this video? Where can it be? Where will it be found? The flaw is in Iryn herself. She is so near yet so out of reach. Is this her plan to kill all the viewers? Then what will be left? Only this video!

–Ian Ortega

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