But the devil in Kampala has no money…
Ugandan men: A story goes that men are happy when they are providing. But not for Ugandan men these days, who have turned against the things that excited their grandfathers. Now, the men must be pushed to send transport money.
But who raised these men? Is it the potholes to blame? Is it the Kampala rain? Or is it the devil? And speaking of the devil in Kampala, who has seen him? He seems to be the problem. Everyone is blaming the devil. Who is this devil that never dies? We grew up in the 90s casting out the devil. Here we are 30 years later, and the devil has refused to bulge a bit. But I suspect there is something wrong with the Kampala devil. He does not wear Prada like the devils elsewhere. Our Kampala devil wears lugabire, those beaten rubber sandals. In brief, the devil in Kampala is a broken masquerade. He is the reason, ours is a ‘gavumenti’ not a ‘government’. You will learn that there is a difference between government and ‘gavumenti’ when you interact with Kampala and Uganda.
For example, what could explain the fact that the army stationed in Naalya does rounds at 7pm and the thieves do their rounds at 3am? What explains the fact that thieves will return to the same vicinity in a space of two weeks? It is true indeed, the ‘gavumenti’ is working as it should.
You see the devil in Kampala has no money to give, other than stories. And that devil lives in everyone that resides, works, has ever entered Kampala. The devil in Kampala lacks sophistication. Whereas the devil in other cities tempts men with high offers, the devil in Kampala lacks a strong offer. Again, he is a man of stories. And speaking of stories, everyone in Kampala has a story.
Even the President has a story.
Twitter: ortegatalks
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