Barely a month after Afrigo band’s Moses Matovu stepped aside from the Uganda National Musicians Federation where he was in charge of the Special Interests Groups, the Public Relations and communications lead at the same Federation Phina Mugerwa alias Phina Masanyalaze has also decided to leave. She has returned to the Uganda Musicians Association where she was serving as the secretary.
“In respect of the association which I am registered under as a secretary, there is no way I can stand as a Public Relations Officer of a federation without the approval of my association and my association has to fully understand the formation of that federation,” said Phina Masanyalaze today during a press conference today.
The ‘Bampassude’ artiste also explained how she joined the Federation saying that they were individually contacted by the Federation president to be part of it.
“We were called as artistes by the president of the Federation. Once there, voting was carried out for the leadership where I was appointed unopposed but up to now, I haven’t understood what exactly I was supposed to talk about which is why you haven’t seen me as an active PR,” she further added.
Speaking to Cindy about whether she is okay with having Phina back in the association, the president of UMA said she welcomes her with open arms and doesn’t have any problem with her.
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