If Kampala was an industry, it would be a red ocean.
Endless stories: It has been that month that begins in myth. The Ugandan pastors must be having a run with this July 7, 2023. Because everything in this date adds to a seven. One can always weave a story. And life is about stories. Myth after myth. A man without a myth is a man who has lost the secret of life. Because a good life can only be sustained by a great story. Otherwise, when you think through everything, it will not really make sense.
We wake up, we go to school, we work, we get a salary, we get married (some do not, some divorce), then we grow old and it all ends in death. If we were logical about life, it would never make sense. You need a certain dose of lies to sustain life, some myth. Some belief that it makes sense, that it ends in something. Deep down, everyone must believe in some kind of heaven, some redemption. We may disagree about our heavens, but everyone has some heaven they long for.
That is why DNA makes no sense. Because it is an attempt to live logically. Life needs some uncertainty. DNA is like playing your wild card early in the game. You only play that card at the end of your life. What you do not know, does not kill you. Or maybe it is not true, what you do not know can always kill you.
READ FULL COLUMN>>> The good news: we are all eating from the same plate in Kampala
Twitter: ortegatalks
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