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Sqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photosSqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photos

Fashion & Beauty

Celebrity style: I don’t get the fuss about waist beads – Etania


When choosing what to wear in the morning, I consider…

The weather and modes of transport I am using that day.  A boda boda outfit will definitely be more practical than If I will be using a car.

The item of clothing I wear  often is…


The most treasured item in my closet is…

My bangles and bracelets.

I would never be caught dead wearing…

Waist beads. I still do not know what the fuss about them.

The priciest fashion accessory that I own is… 

A handbag.

The most popular designer brands in my wardrobe are…

I do not wear designer brands. I get most of my stuff from downtown, from the everyday person stores.

The one person whose wardrobe I would definitely raid is…

Swazi-born DJ and record producer, Uncle Waffles.

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