If there is one thing any person involved in the local film industry may be aware of, it is the amount of time that has been invested in the iKon awards that are set to take place this weekend at Kampala Serena Hotel.
Initially, the awards were launched in June last year, and at the time, Uganda’s premiere national festival, the Uganda Film Festival was in the offing. As it is norm with many local film events, people were quick to draw parallels between the events, if the famous festival had eventually met its match.
The team behind the awards though were quick to announce that theirs was strictly an award show and not a festival and they are only here to do their part in building the industry.
Thus, the awards came with some new tricks. For instance, being the first edition, the eligibility window accommodates films from a span of two years, which meant films such as Maurice Mugisha’s award winning Stain or Loukman Ali’s The Girl in the Yellow Jumper alongside his two short films Blind Date and Sixteen Rounds.
READ FULL STORY>>> iKon Awards: Creating an Academy experience
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