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THE VIDEO: Doctor – Spice Diana

Spice Diana deserves respect. She may not be the most talented, but she has something; ambition and grit. She has the attitude to dare for more, to quest for the other side of life. To jolt out of the normal and give life a try.

In this video, she brings Eric Omondi on board to play the part of the doctor. He seamlessly pulls off the act. From acting as a lab attendant, to administering the medicine. With this, Spice Diana saves herself from a multitude of characters.

Yet the video also finds itself in one big trap of monotony. Everything rotates around the hospital scenes. It is devoid of versatility. It gets too long on the eyes, the lab coat, the phone calls. One starts to desire for more, for some dance, for some elements of life beyond this hospital scene. And if the video had cracked this, then it would be worth re-watching!

– Ian Ortega

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