Azawi didn’t have to evolve, she never started her journey as an upcoming artiste. She simply just happened, sent from heaven to rescue the music industry. And that’s the message she’s relayed in all her videos; “Azawi the goddess.”
In the ‘Bamututte’ video, the message is cut out, it’s something everyone will identify with, everyone who’s lost their lover to competition. Especially competition that beats you in all the aspects of beauty. Azawi has the sleek car, but the competition has the beauty so she loses out.
Today being Azawi’s moment on the big stage, it’s a perfect exhibition for brand Azawi. The costuming, the synchronisation of the scenes. The characters and their acting skills are naturally executed. Do not miss that opening kiss from Azawi. It’s a bold risk. A stark reminder that nothing will keep a man from being stolen. Not even the romantic Azawi.
– Ian Ortega
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