When a man crosses into his 40s, he stops panicking. He stops being reactionary. Not many things faze him. He develops a confidence that transcends all occasions, all situations. That is the choice of the male vixen in this video. He represents the man who has nothing more to prove. He enters that coaster and makes it turn into a limousine
Then you have a fire baby. She burns, she radiates sparks. She will burn anything that sets its eyes on her. Every act of hers is a ray of fire. You must give it to Winnie Nwagi. You can hate her, love her, but not ignore her.
Finally, you have the video. It is short and punchy. It comes, presents life, and then signs-out with a bang. Maybe like all angels, this video is short-lived for a purpose. To capture our attention, drop the message and escape in peace.
– Ian Ortega
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