Getting an endorsement deal means you are supposed to promote that company every chance you get. You are supposed to be the face and voice of that brand. Rapper Fik Famiaca must-have however missed the memo as instead of promoting, he de-campaigned the brands he represents.
During an interview with Uncut, the artiste thanked all the companies that have had his back during this pandemic but couldn’t mention them because he would be giving them mileage.
“I thank the companies I work with. I don’t want to mention their names because I will be promoting them but I would like to appreciate them because they have helped me manage this difficult time we are all going through. My endorsements are helping me manage this crisis,” he said.
Fik Fameika is one of the few artistes who has received endorsement deals during this pandemic. He is the brand ambassador for more than two brands including Bell Lager and JESA Farm Dairy.
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