After Robert Kyagulanyi paraded what he said was an armoured vehicle bought for him by supporters, bile-choking NRM haters reminded him that the vehicle can neither fly nor resist towing.
“It’s only fitted with partial or complete armour plating for protection against bullets, shell fragments, and other projectiles,” said one. “But that thing cannot protect you against towing or a blockaded road. It can’t fly.”
Bobi Wine’s supporters fired back, saying if they could buy an armoured vehicle in a jiffy, nothing can stop them from buying one that flies over obstacles and resists towing. “We’ll even contact Disney to see if they can design machines that will be installed under his armpit so that he can fly at will like in Paw Patrol cartoons,” Zaitun, a die-hard supporter, said.
But police have warned that there is no law that promotes “robotisation of individuals.”
“Our constitution only allows human beings, animals and fish in Uganda. Not human robots,” police said.
*Disclaimer: This is a parody column