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KFM’s Doreen shocked by fan

Doreen Nasasira

Before Valentine’s Day, KFM’s Doreen Nasasira joked on air about Valentine’s Day, asking her listeners how they planned to spend the day, what gifts they would buy their loved ones, etc.

Then a married man called in and asked her out on a lunch date. She asked how he would do it because the day is meant to be celebrated with loved ones and the reply, oh my! “I will move out during lunch time, come pick you up at Monitor and we go for lunch then drop you back. After, I will go back to my family,” he said.

With the K-Zone show happening late in the night, she was compelled to ask him where he was making the call from and to her surprise, he said he left the wife in the bedroom sleeping and sneaked into the sitting room.

Two days later, she received a huge bouquet of flowers at Daily Monitor offices during the Saturday show, with no card. Until today, she has no idea who sent the flowers. Could it be Mr Married guy? Guess we’ll never know.

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