When it comes to female musicians, it’s either their dress code or appearance that makes them stand out. Spice Diana is among the artistes who dress in skimpy clothes and recently, she started a pants down challenge where she sagged her trousers down to the knees. while some social media users took on the challenge, others didn’t really find it appealing.
It is because of the viral clip that some people have advised her to start dressing properly and in return, she hit back and hit hard. The ‘nsowela’ musician in a long post on her Facebook page said that people should mind their business.
“Stop telling me to dress like your other kadongo kamu artiste. I am who I am and that makes me unique from anybody else. When will I be me when you want me to be somebody else,” she posted.
Adding that if someone’s body can’t look good in the outfits she puts on, they should resort to breastfeeding because she doesn’t have sagging breasts. She further said that people have different choices on how they want to dress and can dress in whatever makes them happy and comfortable. “If you are comfortable in your magandula, I am in my bukette.”
Spice Diana stated that if they can’t support her the way she is, then that means they aren’t her fan because she believe her fans are okay with what makes her happy and that’s why they support and respect her decisions.
However, she deleted the post shortly after because it can’t be found on any of her social media handles.