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Kampala Parents sets tough conditions for Fresh Kid


Fresh Kid at Kampala Parents school on May 23, 2019. PHOTO BY ALEX ESAGALA


Managers of Kampala parents primary school who have offered a scholarship to the young pop star Patrick Ssenyonjo, commonly known as Fresh Kid have set conditions for his stay at the school as his parents and school administrators sign a memorandum of understanding.

Speaking during the signing of MOU at the school in Kampala, the director Ms Daphine Kato said that fresh Kid has to attend classes on a daily basis and his parents should make sure that this is fulfilled as enshrined in the agreement.

She said parents of the seven-year-old rapper are also supposed to make sure that they visit him at school to know how he is performing and ensure that his home work is done on a regular basis to avoid penalties.

Fresh Kid is supposed to perform very well throughout his stay at the school, he is supposed to inform the principal when he is travelling out of the country and ensure that he is well behaved at school, according to the MOU.

The promoter is supposed to ensure that the Bambi singer does not perform during the weekdays to give him humble time to concentrate at school.

“No one has forced Fresh Kid’s parents to sign this MOU hence they should obey and abide by the conditions that have been set to ensure that the boy is at school on a regular basis,” Ms Kato said.

Ms Nalya Ruparelia said that in return, Fresh Kid is going to be offered a full scholarship for seven years inclusive of all scholastic materials among others.

She said they will nurture his musical talent as well as help him in acquiring basic education.

He starts school next Monday.



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