Last Saturday singer Bebe Cool was faced with an unusual parenting dilemma when women asked him to give them his first-born son Allan Hendrik Ssali.
The incident happened when Bebe Cool performed at an event held at Fame Lounge. He was joined on stage by his son Hendrik. Hendrik, who is also a singer, has been sending shock waves on social media recently with many women gushing about his handsome looks so you can imagine their joy when they finally got to see him in person.
“Give him to me,” a number of women shouted. In disbelief, Bebe Cool asked which person they were exactly asking for but the bold women pointed at the young man standing shyly behind his father.
However, Bebe Cool let them down saying that his boy is still young.
“Ah leave this one. He is still in school. He is so young. He is still breastfeeding,” he joked.
READ: Here is Bebe Cool’s son you didn’t know
25-year-old Allan Hendrik was born before Bebe Cool met his wife Zuena.
Watch the video here: