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Comedian Alex Muhangi kneels for Bryan White’s money


Bryan White

Bryan White’s podium is getting more and more recruits each passing day.  It started small with the likes of Weasel, King Michael till it expanded to a full army even comprised of comedians Alex Muhangi and Sseguja Herbert Mendo, alias Teacher Mpamiire.

A picture of comedian Alex Muhangi, kneeling down to receive a number of 20k notes from socialite Bryan White, has surfaced online and has annoyed a number of his Muhangi’s fans who thought that he was above this kind of behavior.

Muhangi, however, was not embarrassed in any way as people clapped on. The powere of money, I guess.

The incident happened when Bryan White threw a party on April 12 (last night) to celebrate the withdrawal of attempted murder charges against him. Also in attendance was his ‘sister’, Sarah Nakakande whom he referred to as the source of his income. The revelation meanwhile confused his followers whom he had earlier told that he inherited the money from his Italian stepfather. Bryan White dear, the stories don’t add up on this one.

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