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So Diamond slept with another woman, now what?

Hamisa Mobeto and Diamond Platinumz

So Tanzanian musician Diamond Platnumz cheated on his baby mama Zari Hassan with Tanzanian model Hamisi Mobeto, fathered a child and suddenly everything has come to a standstill?
This world is just an interesting place! For starters what has happened to this couple is not surprising. Just like most celebrity relationships, especially one of Zari and Diamond’s calibre, it was just a matter of time. I mean, one does not wake up everyday and is insulted for dating a younger man after her history of on and off relationships. She tries to fight her battles on social media, deal with all the headache before the public while the guy gives the “laid back, we got this” kind of attitude and you expect that the women he interacts with on a daily will not fill in the missing gaps and prove to be the hardest temptation to resist? It was bound to happen. I bet you Zari knew that too.
So now that it has happened, how is it our business? And why is everyone all up in arms making sarcastic comments, giving sarcastic empathies and as if rubbing it in her face? Why? For starters, I do not think we are in the rightful position to judge, laugh out loud or even get bothered by this drama. Secondly, infidelity is a common occurance to every normal couple. We hate it. Oh, yes! We hate this habit but at least 90 per cent of all couples around this globe have experienced it. Even the many that are throwing the hate comments have or are dealing with this trauma, so let us focus on what matters. So many vices are eating up our society as they get debated on even when they should not. People are being murdered left, right and centre innocently but guess what? No body cares! This world!
I think we ought to learn to act unbothered when these so called celebrities try to make a big deal of their issues out of nothing really. So the guy made a confession and gave an open apology to Zari, now what? So Zari is throwing all sorts of status updates about her children, rides, “hustle” in the heat of her heartbreak, so what? Do we all throw our problems on social media and expect the mixed reactions? The babe even had the time to ask her fans to stop sympathising and focus on the new day… interesting. I guess that is what has come with this digital era. These celebrities have so many people to talk to even when they do not know them. Excuse me while I first laugh out loud.
Let’s learn to just mind our business, especially when it is not a do or die issue. He cheated, okay, so what then? Clapping hands and ululating will not make sense, even when she (Zari) tries to provoke the call to public reaction. Making mountains out of such mole hills is just not worth it!


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