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Dancers splash minister Kyambadde with Paraffin

It seems it is not a good time to be a cabinet minister. A few days ago, local leaders ‘baptised’ Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, the Justice and Constitutional affairs Minister with water. His crime? Trying to address local leaders, on behalf of President Museveni. The leaders heckled him, telling him they knew their President and it wasn’t Otafiire.
Last weekend, it was Trade, Industry and Cooperatives minister Amelia Kyambadde’s turn.

Occupying one of the front row seats at Theatre Labonita, the minister almost scampered for dear life, when a group of acrobats cum dancers decided that the only way to gain recognition was to spit paraffin in the jolly minister’s way. This was during musician Mary Batta’s “Tugenda Komawa’ concert where she was the guest of honour.

After Ms Kyambade had given Batta an envelope and said a few words, she went back to her seat. This is when some dancers came through to showcase their skills. They then suddenly decided to try their luck at magic, spitting some liquid that would in turn fan a fire. The routine continued and two of them overdid it to the extent that some of the liquid splashed on the minister and a few others next to her. You should have seen her face, as she panicked and started wiping herself. She was only saved by Batta who forced them to stop.


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