Here is how the show went down in pictures;

SJ Shiru does his thing, well we all believe he wished it was something close to mixing dance hall tunes. Photos by Eddie Chicco

When your whatsapp friends do not believe you are at the show, you take a selfie to make a point.

The ever green Juliana Kanyomozi is still here (In Jennifer Lopez’s voice)

Her: Hun, cant we find another drink around here?
Him: uhhm uhh.. what happened to the Pepsi?

Oh woow…the crowd loves me..oh yeaah unbelievable.

Singing: In the time of Jah………

When you simply came with him out because only him had a ticket, but you can not trust him around your drink even if he bought it for you.

Him: Come on parry people
Chameleone: Did he just say I sing Kipepewo!

Then the Ugandans who think every event is a Ugandan Cranes game.

When you finally realize all along the song you have in your phone is by Morgan Heritage.

When you meet the girl you have been fighting with on Facebook.

You can tell who bought who a drink…

Hey Rasta, I think we have been looking in the wrong camera..

Here is the right one….

We all know those people who pour on you their drink then start forging a friendship that ends in posing for the camera.

Oh yeah, It is me who bought you the ticket…yes