As other musicians stick around Jamaican artistes for collaborations, Bebe Cool has his eyes on bigger fish. They say, if you know what you want, you go for it and for Bebe Cool, when he heard Chris Brown was in East Africa, this was a golden opportunity! The Gagamel boss is said to have packed his bags and hit the road to the airport to catch ChrisBreezy, and no, it was not to just watch the international star, but to negotiate a collabo. But the report from the coastal town at the end of the weekend was not nice! We hear Taata Alpha did not only fail to secure a collabo with Brown, he also got no chance to talk to him as the singer immediately flew back to the US.
This is not the first time Bebe Cool has attempted to catch a moment with the star. We were reliably informed that he tried last year when Brown was in South Africa but still failed as the Loyal singer demanded a lot of money. But this time bambi, it seems he still had some Tubonga Naawe balance. Well, we hope the third time will be a charm for Bebe because we would really want to listen to that collabo! Boss, your dream is valid!