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Ziza Bafana embarrassed for smoking weed

Most Ugandan entertainers are said to be friends of ‘Bob Marley’, but most of them deny. Ziza Bafana is one of those people but looks like he was hanging with Marley at the wrong time in the wrong place. (Before we get you more confused, Bob Marley is another for weed).

Well, last week the Akalulu singer got embarrassed when him and his crew decided to smoke in the presence of children with special needs. This was at Dolphins Foundation in Bunga, a home for children with special needs. Ziza was there to celebrate his birthday with the children, whom he sang and interacted with.

He also gave the children drinks, eats, scholastic materials and everything seemed to be going good until the singer and his crew went behind the house (literally). Everyone thought the group was just having a private talk but the smell of weed sold them out. This did not go well with Tuff B, the founder of the children’s home, who got furious and told them to throw the weed away.

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