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Hustler : Denis Gideon Balyewunya

Smart move: Denis Balyewunya is a 21-year-old student at Uganda Martyrs University, Masaka campus pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. In November 2014, his girlfriend, a designer, advised him to sell his special hire car and set up a boutique. The business is now worth Shs20m.
What is the name of your business?
Gideon’s Wardrobe.

What inspired its name?
Clothes are supposed to be kept in a wardrobe, so I chose that name because my shop has everything that is supposed to be in a wardrobe.

When did you start this business?
In November 2014.

How did you start?
I sold my car and topped up using my savings. I had saved up some money that I used to receive as pocket money from my mother who is abroad.

How much did you inject in this business?
I started with Shs15m.

What kind of items do you sell?
I sell ladies’ clothes; long and short dresses, jeans, tops, skirts as well as jewellery and shoes.

Why ladies’ clothes?
Because men take long to buy.

What is the price range of your items?
It depends on the item. Dresses range between 50k and 70k ,the cheapest range from 25k to 35k for short dresses, skirts go for between 20k and 25k,shoes cost 15k to 25k, jewellery 15k to 25k and jeans cost between 25k and 35k.

What are some of the challenges you face?
Some customers do not speak English and at the same time do not know Luganda, so there is no way to communicate with them. Others are rude, and some customers treat me like a child, which I am not.

Where do you buy your stock from?
I get them from Dubai, and sometimes in Kampala.

Do you go to Dubai yourself?
No, I do not. I have relatives to whom I send money and they buy the items.

What inspired you to set up this business?
I love smart women, and my fiancee also does the same business, so she encouraged me.

What are your plans five years from now?
Not to only focus on retail but also do wholesale.

What are the benefits from this business?
I have started building my storeyed house in Masaka but I have just worked on the bottom part, which is worth Shs120m for a start.

Where is your business located?
My boutique is found in Masaka town, Kayondo Plaza, room No4. It is opposite Stanbic Bank, on Kampala-Masaka Highway.

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