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The movie : Crimson Park



Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, Charlie Hunnam
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Genre: Horror
Duration: 119 minutes
Now showing at Cinema Magic Metroplex Mall Naalya and Century Cinemax Acacia Mall Kisementi

I n the spirit of Halloween – another of those days we have decided to celebrate fwaaa because we love keeping up, this movie should fit in right. The poster and trailers alone are hair-raising creepy, so the movie is even more intense. Before we get into the plot, one of the movie’s strongest suits is that while it is labelled as a horror, there is more to it than blood being splashed across the screen as is what horrors feature these days. Crimson Peak follows Edith Cushing (Wasikowska; Alice). We first see a younger version of her, and the ghost of her mother (what’s a horror without ghosts after all) telling her to, “beware of Crimson Peak”. Fast forward to an older Edith who writes ghost stories. She meets an English fellow (Yes, finally I got to use fellow), Sir Thomas Sharpe (Hiddleston; Thor) and his sister Lucille (Chastain; Zero Dark Thirty). She is intrigued by their old-fashioned style and soon this intrigue buds into a relationship. Her rich father is not pleased, neither is her friend Dr Alan McMichael (Hunnam; Pacific Rim) nor Lucille. Turns out even her mother’s ghost isn’t happy.
Despite all the odds against the relationship, Edith marries Sir Thomas and they move into his creepy mansion in England, with Lucille in tow. Edith later learns that the mansion is sometimes referred to as Crimson Park. Then we get to learn why her mother’s ghost was causing such a fuss. Suffice it to say that the discoveries are creepy in more than a horror-movie kind of way.
Crimson Park has del Toro’s footprints all over it. You may forget the plot or the character’s names but the images will stay with you. Who has watched his other movies like Hell Boy or Kung Fu Panda and say they don’t remember what the movie was like? However, despite the effects used with the lighting, Crimson Park is not the kind of horror, fans of the genre will appreciate, that it is categorised as a horror.


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