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Tycoon Sudhir’s son Rajiv takes over as group property manager


Just yesterday, Rajiv Ruparelia was a young teenager who fancied hanging out and partying with friends in different hangouts. But all that seems to have changed – thanks to his father Sudhir Ruparelia. The tycoon is believed to have nurtured Rajiv into the simple but hardworking man he is today.
Insiders told us that Sudhir has always pushed his son to work hard and by the look of things, his efforts did not go to waste.
From just a trial role as site manager on one building, Rajiv has soared to the role of Group property investments manager in Uganda and Rwanda.
This was made public at the launch of Crane Plaza at Kisementi recently where Rajiv gave his father and other guests a tour of the building. Sudhir looked mesmerised by the great job his son is doing.
A source told us that Sudhir was happy with his son’s outstanding performance because it saves him so much money yet work is done tremendously well.
Rajiv has in the past handled the construction of Kampala Boulevard (the building opposite Post Office) along Kampala road, the recently launched Crane Plaza building and he is still overseeing works on their plush mansion in Kololo. He is also overseeing several other projects in the city.

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