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The Movie : Hitman: Agent 47


Starring: Rupert Friend, Hannah Ware, Zachary Quinto
Director: Aleksander Bach
Genre: Action
Running time: 96 minutes
Now showing at: Cinema Magic, Metroplex Mall Naalya and Century Cinemax, Acacia Mall, Kisementi

First, let me confess. When I first saw the trailer for Hitman: Agent 47, I couldn’t believe Orlando Bloom had gone bald. Or that he was doing a movie like Hitman – the image of him as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is burned to my brain after all. End of confession.
If you just had a laugh at my expense, watch the movie and let’s talk after you watch Agent 47 (Friend). In the movie, Agent 47 is part of an elite team of assassins –the International Contracts Agency. Only that he is no ordinary assassin. He comes outfitted with strength, brains and speed. His latest contract involves bringing down the Syndicate. Allow me to digress and vent out a little. In how many movies does the Syndicate come up? Is there no other name for clandestine organisations? You will understand my venting if you have watched Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Back to the movie, in his hunt for this corporation, he meets Katia van Dees (Ware), who it turns out, was once in the same programme he was in. She therefore has the same capabilities Agent 47 has. Cue lots of shooting and effects that get you wondering whether the director thinks you fool enough to believe them.
This falls in the same category as those movies without an exceptional plot to it. It sounds familiar because you have probably seen something like it before. Where the first Hitman kept you on edge because you don’t know what comes next, this one makes you wish for the next action scene. Now, the action scenes are something to write home about. There are the kind that get people clapping in the cinema –have never understood why, but I’ve grown to expect it and accept it.
So while it is not a very good movie, it is still worth the watch for those days when you don’t have a movie that makes you think.


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