For two weeks now, rumor has been going on that Lupita is in town. This excited alot but left a few journalists wondering how such a big celebrity could skip their eye. As expected our sources got on a move to search for the oscar award winner only to find out it was a mistaken identity or perhaps a look-alike.
Actually the supposedly discovered Lupita look-alike is a young African contemporary Acholi artist known as Jackie Akello. This same Akello was seen in a photo shared on Maurice Kirya’s facebook page about his soon out coming video Busabaala. This photo could explain why she was with Maurice at his restaurant when she was mistaken for Lupita. She has featured on world music stages like laba festival, Bayimba Festival, World music day organised by Alliance Francàise, Miss Uganda.
As we carried on the analysis, we discovered actually Lupita has a look alike in Uganda and here are some of the comparisons we observed.
Both Lupita and Akello have an African look
Both are dark skinned
Both smile alot Both seem friendly
Both are into arts and are uniquely talented
Lupita is an oscar winner whereas Akello is a rising star
Akello is curvy compared to Lupita Lupita keeps her hair short
Akello is a musician while Lupita is an actress
When she posted the newspaper article on her facebook wall, ” Aparently I was lupita Nyongo a week ago…” her friends shared their feelings
Stella Tee jackie is prettier,nabo batuleke.lookalike.pshhh
Rye Lillianstv wabula social media
Feliks Wentworth U have a prettier voice than hers, love your verse in “Black,Yellow,Red song”
Sanyu Tina Yo getting there my dia
Tinah Brad Hehehehe they will b fine…shez so around n not just briefly….I bet $1000 if they insist shez not around lol
Raphael Okello You have curves, better looks and a good voice, she has an oscar and Hollywood on her trail. Give me the original Lupita now now.
Tammyukiah N Rukkie One by one……. u’ll be tgere next gal
Kiseka Crystal Lamwaka Hahahahahahahaha, dead!!!!!