I made up a plot in my head of how this movie would turn out but it turned out that I was wrong. This movie is not as predictable as it may appear. It is interesting as well. It is about Mike Christian (Jonathan Bennett), who is blindly in love with Darlyn (Jamie-Lynn Sigler) so much that he doesn’t question the fact that she makes him sign a prenup before they get married and what is worse is that he doesn’t even read it because well, he is in love.
Trouble comes when this happily married man runs into his high school sweetheart, cheats on his wife and decides to seek divorce. As part of the prenup requirement, he has to send a divorce invitation to everyone that attended their wedding. He also has to announce at the same venue of their wedding his reasons for the divorce. It is easy to tell whoever cares that we are so in love but how easy is it to tell them that we have fallen out of love. Mike is willing to go on this journey but it brings with it memories that leave him in a dilemma.