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Connie’s tiffs : Why defend nudes you took smiling?


So an evidently non-Ugandan man uses a Ugandan passport, but without that solid background check, he sweeps you off your feet, high up that you lose all your senses just to make him happy, huh?
Such is Desire Luzinda’s current ordeal. Her Nigerian boo, Franklin Emuobor, decided to take their issues to the public court by unleashing nude photographs of the artiste. Clearly some men cannot deal with rejection, eh! For starters, I do not understand this thing of dating Nigerians, Sudanese and sangomas, but that is a story for another day.
Then I just hate it when some women choose to go blind even when the truth is staring right in their faces. Why struggle to make a name and then have one ill-mannered guy ruin it with just the click of the wrong button?
Africans should just leave these nudity things for the West. Why would anyone be so quick to play with fire when they may not have enough water to cool it? I mean, looks like Desire enjoyed the moment, then, so she might as well enjoy it now, huh? I can see you all opening your eyes and throwing the “Connie you are mad“line, but you see, when one chooses to lose their senses during the blissful moment, then they should be ready to face reality when it strikes. Desire does not owe us an explanation. After all, it is her body, her right, was her moment, so I believe that in her eyes, it’s all good. Let’s let her be, she should not even feel shy about it.
Unfortunately, this society does not look at it that way, so the earlier we start living up to our morals, the better. I am sure all you babes who share nude photos would not be happy if your daughters, sisters or even mothers did that. So stop being copy cats already! Stop hiding under the “love” umbrella to do what makes and does not make sense. I mean, any man who values a lady will not ask her to pose for nudes.
What we ought to understand is that in the end it all starts with the value we attach to our “assets”. What morals we choose to embrace and how far we are ready to go. A man will only respect a lady if she values herself and respects God’s endowment to her. It is as simple as sowing respect, you will attract respect. The Emoubor riff rafs of today will keep away and even when they come along, they will live in their due place. However, if you choose to act like a teenager, lie about your age, wear all those tiny things teenagers don, have your countrymen brand you names and act okay about it, and try so hard to live like a 16-year-old struck by love and posing nude, and later manya blaming it on love, then what can we do, except pray for the day sanity comes unto all the lost souls?


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