The swipe cards are the biggest innovation in ticketing of Ugandan concerts. But other promoters are not about to sit back and watch Bebe get all the props for revolutionising events ticketing. Promoter Suudi Lukwago this week announced that tickets to the August 31, Busy Signal concert can be purchased using Payway vending machines at several supermarkets across the country.
Suudi opted for the Payway machines as a way of encouraging people to buy tickets before the concert. “I am losing some money because Payway takes a certain percentage off every ticket. But as a promoter it helps me study the sales and be able to plan for the numbers appropriately.”
And how does one buy a ticket from a Payway machine? “All one needs to do is press “other payments,” icon and they will see an option called Suudiman. You click on that, insert your phone number and pay Shs15,000 for the ticket. Then one will get a receipt,” Suudi explained.