Some other people who ended up in the lion’s den through human trafficking believed that they were going “outside countries” to work for better salaries, right? Some of them sold their property while others abandoned their jobs in the name of the venturing into the unknown. While I sympathise with them at one point, I stop to imagine whether if they had believed in making the most of their little assets and the potential here, they would have followed the wolves in sheep skin.
Then the latter who are still trading on deadly ground trafficking drugs and risking their life even when the consequences are so clear. The annoying part is when they turn to the government after things have gone sour for a quick solution even when it’s clear they are flogging a dead horse. It has come to that point where we cease to feel sorry for people who have failed to learn from others’ lessons.
It’s funny how every “poor” person believes that everything good lies out of their area code. Those in the villages keep thinking that life in the city centre is the bomb. Even when they hassle to get there, and go nights without food yet it can hardly be the case in the villages where some of them can have land to till and get a meal, even if it’s a plate of greens and cassava, they insist on the city.
The ones in the city on the other hand continue to wish for the opportunity to taste the waters elsewhere even when the stories come through that it’s not a bed of roses out there! So what happened to hard work, believing in our potential and patiently waiting for the fruits? Life does not have to be that complicated really!
As for the many who have failed to learn by example, we wish them all the best but request that they save us the crocodile tears when things get bitter.
I mean if one cannot pick the truth from all the testimonies given and they can still manage to be as naive as falling into all the death traps, then let it be.
I don’t know about you but I am done feeling sorry.