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Hustler: Arnold Kyambadde


What’s the name of your business?
Mass Media and Films

What exactly do you do at mass media and films?
We do concept development and production for, TV shows production, marketing and Public relations plus printing. Basically audio, visual and print production.

Who are some of your clients?
Uganda National Planning Authopity, Nytil, Picfare, United Nations Development Programme, Uganda Tourism Board, International Forum for Electronic System (Ifes), Talent Africa, Africa Magic, DWTV and many others.

Where are you located?
On Lake View Drive in Munyonyo.

What are your charges?
We charge depending on the kind of job but we range from Shs3m to Shs25m.

How much did you invest in this business?
For starters I used Shs1m to hire equipment and got Shs13m for a documentary I did.

How much is this business worth now?
Currently about Shs40m.

What challenges do you face in this business?
We lack professionalism. There are many mediocre people in this business which belittles our kind of work.

How have you benefited from this business?
I have self-esteem but the biggest achievement is being able to grow this business from within. We now have an audio studio for commercials and a full production TV house.

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