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The track :COCODIOSIS – Bebe Cool

Bebe Cool

Bebe Cool

In the fullness of time, it is likely to go down as his disappointment-in-chief. That, even with all his talent, a gifted voice that could be seamlessly switched at will from the smooth tenor to the rough sounding ragamuffin rap, Bebe Cool spent too much time clowning, making a complete joke of himself, and in the end, helping himself up into the ranks of the downright unserious.

The song Cocodiosis could just about be as sick as the name suggests. The whole idea behind it, the flippancy and sheer immaturity seen in the scenes selected for the video, all stand out as a gross disappointment. He sings something to the effect that “do not waste my time,” in the chorus, and for a while, you start thinking that Bebe Cool does indeed mean business here… until you notice that he is only mounting an attempt at ridiculing his rivals, without the slightest bit of tact. Ridicule and feuding is part of the business, except that it should be done with tact.

Bebe Cool has the voice to pull off a song. So yes, Cocodiosis is a club banger and has the ability to make you dance and bob your head along. But it is a disappointing song, so disappointing, it makes you sick like coccidiosis.

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