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Bebe Cool laments his problems to Museveni


.Bebe and Zuena

Word from State House indicates that Bebe Cool might not be doing so well financially and is once again seeking President Yoweri Museveni’s financial intervention! Bebe was the chief entertainer at the just concluded Liberation Day celebrations (Tarehesita day) that were held at Arua Hill Primary School Grounds last week.

According to reliable sources, after his performance, Bebe walked to the president and greeted him and then started telling him about his financial woes. “The president directed Bebe Cool to a certain aide to handle his troubles,” the source said. Since then, Bebe has been in touch with the aide and some State House cash might be coming Bebe’s way! It should be noted that the singer received more than $100,000 from State House to go for treatment in the US after an incident where a policeman shot him several times in the legs at Centenary Park in 2011.

Bebe has embarked on a project to complete his house, which has earned him scorn, based on the fact that his peers Chameleone and Bobi Wine all own homes. If the State House cash comes in, we might soon be attending a house warming party.

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