Raba Daba
Earlier this year, Rabadaba embarked on a serious mission; to revive his music career. And with his latest singles Okimansuza and Smitten, Rabadaba seems to be steadily getting back on track. His latest – Smitten video is enjoying airplay on all TV stations in the country as well as continental stations Channel O and MTV Base.
But while he worked hard in studio, Rabadaba also seems to have worked hard back at home. We can exclusively reveal that Rabadaba and wife Sheila Ferguson Seguya recently received a bundle of joy; a baby girl. Mrs Seguya gave birth to a healthy baby girl in a London Hospital about two weeks ago.
“Both mother and baby are in good health. We talk every day and I can’t wait to see my little angel. Allah continues to bless me every day,” Rabadaba told us when we gave him a call earlier this week. Rabadaba told us he will name his daughter when they come over for Christmas holidays.
The new baby girl is the second child of the young couple after their two-year old son Faheem Kyle Seguya who also lives with the mother in London. Congs Rabadaba and Sheila!