Just because the men in the movies look good in boots doesnot mean you can get off wearing them exactly like them. There are dos and don’ts in order for you to pull off this macho look.
They have been portrayed in movies as the mark of the macho villain. You know how the bad boy is always wearing boots and rugged jeans and maybe rides a bike. We have also seen them in cowboy movies but that is for obvious reasons, I do not see any other footwear appropriate for sitting astride a horse all day, or for tucking in your jeans.
We have had the hip hop culture popularise the boot in a whole new way. The timberlands and what have you.
Now I must say, I have nothing against boot on a man. They are to male fashion what the heel is to a women’s.
Timeless classics, which can amp sex appeal and sign off an outfit beautifully at the same time, which I respect. My issue is when some people push it too far and kill the whole purpose.
Here are some common boot crimes and how you can avoid them.
Safari boot under dress pants: The ones who fall in this are mostly men who assume the basics of fashion do not apply to them.
So, the chap will wear the boot as a matter of practicality never mind that the colour clash and total outcome is ghastly. Even if you think the fashion is an unnecessary waste of time, remember this, boots (and this applies to all) are best for the casual look, keep it that way. You can wear boots with khakis, cargo pants, jeans if they are not too rugged and faded because if they are, you end up looking like a 1980 action film villain, which is so outdated.
Tucking in baggy pants: I know the idea is popularised by the hip hop world. But then the same people have tattooed every available space on their bodies which only goes to show we can’t trust them with everything!
Besides they do not tuck the whole cuff in, they do one side which serves to get the pants from trailing on the round. Tuck in your whole cuff and risks looking like you are wearing balloon pants, or had a little accident in your pants.
Wearing knee high boots! It is worse when they are white. Believe me I saw a dude in a pair and kept wondering how I missed the memo for the dress code which must have been cowboy otherwise why was he wearing those. I cannot think one reason why a guy in this part of the world would wear knee high boots. Not one!!Unless it is those industrial ones and you work either in a hospital during a Marburg or Ebola outbreak.
How to avoid this? Just stop trying to push the boundaries or return your sister’s boots. Wear regular boots that stop at the ankle like other men. Alternatively, you could wait for when your dream of going to Texas comes true and then you can wear your knee high or thigh high boots there, far away where we cannot see you!