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Rubeleto turns to transport business



We hadn’t seen Eng. Ronald Semakula aka Rubeleto ever since he was arrested for shooting two people outside Club Silk some few months back.

But the Rubeleto Construction Concern boss is back on the social scene. Rubeleto stormed Ange Noir last Thursday and was back in Guvnor on Saturday. During both nights, emcees repeatedly kept mentioning Rubeleto’s name and he didn’t hesitate to buy whoever was around him a drink.
But that’s not the news; the news is that he is investing in a whole new venture; besides his real estate and construction business, Rubeleto has joined the transport business.

He told us he recently got 30 mini-buses that ply different routes around the country. He also has over 20 heavy-duty lorries that ferry construction materials not only for his company but several other constructors. “I’m now moving to buses, watch the space!” Rubeleto told us. We are watching.

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