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Hustler: Juliana Okori – KHCD

Okori;s passion is fashion designing. Photo by Jonathan Kabugo.

What is the meaning of KHCD?
KHCD stands for Kori House of Couture Designs. Kori originates from my family name Okori and Couture Designs represents authenticity and creativity in my works in fashion and fabric designing.

How much did you begin with?
I began with nothing, but I can tell you how it began. I was in my S.3, competing for the Miss Macos (Makerere College School) contest and I never had creative and traditional wear, so I used cassava leaves as my creative wear and goat skin as my traditional wear. I made them myself and this was the beginning of the designer in me.

Is it difficult for a young girl to do fashion designing?
When you love doing something, difficult doesn’t come to mind. I’m naturally fast, so that helped me, and I am always eager to see what my mind can create. There is no difficulty in that.

What’s your average budget for an average collection?
The budget for an average collection depends on the genre of clothing one’s making, the budget for making a collection of traditional wear isn’t the same as the budget of making casual wear. But not less than Shs300,000.

What do you find lacking in the business?
Firstly, creativity is the main black spot in the fashion industry in Uganda. Designers make designs we have seen before, but just change the fabric, that’s belittling yourself. Secondly, most clothes aren’t professionally finished and this makes people’s work look sub-standard.

How has your business benefitted you?
I have gotten income, I managed to take care of myself when I was at university. I have worked with a diverse range of clients as well as the self-pride and confidence I get from creating something from scratch. And mind you, it’s only the beginning.

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