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Reason for Jan 26 celebrations

President Museveni

President Museveni

One fact is that most readers of Sqoop magazine were born after January 26, 1986. This date must ring a bell because every Ugandan is entitled to a public holiday every January 26. Several youths and even the elders really hate this day because of the people who celebrate it.

Mostly the youth claim “they were born during the regime and some are already having their own children in the same regime! They further claim that the celebrated victory every year is a waste of citizen’s resources on luxurious things and a wasted day because “the party that celebrates the day (NRM) has done nothing at all for any Ugandan to appreciate”.

Now that’s what you think, here is my view. Definitely I was born about six years after 1986 and have both my positives and negatives about the party. The party tried hard to revive the economy that had gone to ashes during Amin’s time, however recent claims that they printed Shs2 trillion saw the shilling weaken so badly. It gave freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship which is abundant and freedom of movement. However, some competent individuals have been arrested for expression and speech, personalities have been grounded and denied their right to movement. These majorly include the opposition members who want to peacefully walk to work.

The party fought for peace in not only northern Uganda but also in eastern Uganda majorly among the Karimojong, Itesots, Sabiny and the Pokot from western Kenya. This saw an end to the ever scary night and day raids that claimed several lives. It also has promoted education of both boys and girls by providing UPE and USE and also giving government sponsorships to those who excel highly in “A” level exams.

Therefore, one notices that the bad is definitely out-weighed by the good and to note, it’s a party led by human beings who are prone to make mistakes. Congratulations upon making 26 years of existence in leadership.

Timothy Kiprotich

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