Communications officer, Kampala Capital City Authority
First car
Toyota Kibina
Current car:
An Opel. Its fuel consumption is efficient. It also has a very good sound system and it’s swaggerrific.
Dream car
The latest model of a Jeep Cherokee
First job
I was a kitchen porter in London hotels. I was a student there and times were hard
Current job
I am the Communications officer at KCCA. Communicating KCCA programmes to the public, trying to distort falsehoods about KCCA, engaging the community and finding out their views in relation to transforming Kampala.
Got where I am by
Dreaming big and God’s endless mercy on his ‘prodigal son” called Robert Kalumba.
Fav gadget
I’m not really into gadgets but I would go for my DSTV remote control. I make great use of it.
Fav movie
The Passion of the Christ
Fav meal
It’s rarely done in Uganda; I love roast duck and vegetable fried rice.
Worst habit
Thinking I’m an intellectual and I assume I know it all.
Inspired by
My younger brother Dan Kalumba; he has helped me understand the fundamentals of life and success.
Best quote
What do you mean best quote? Many people, from Golola to Museveni, all have “good quotes”. But I’ll settle for Nelson Mandela’s “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”